The Lemon Twigs, the musical duo hailing from Long Island, are on the brink of unveiling their latest project, “A Dream Is All We Know,” set to launch in just a few weeks. Ahead of this much-anticipated release, the brothers have already treated their fans to a trio of singles: “My Golden Years,” “They Don’t Know How To Fall In Place,” and the album’s namesake track, “A Dream Is All I Know.” Continuing their pre-album spree, they’ve now released another gem, “How Can I Love Her More?”
Marked by its buoyant rhythm and reminiscent of the British Invasion era’s charm, “How Can I Love Her More?” stands out as a heartfelt ode steeped in nostalgia. This latest single maintains the theatrical flair that has characterized their preceding releases, inviting listeners to dive into its melodious love narrative. Experience the track for yourself below.
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