Annie: I’ve always loved writing songs, even when I was little. It was my way of telling stories and expressing my feelings in a meaningful way. I started to see music as something more serious when I moved to London in 2011 and began to wonder where it could take me. The journey has been a mix of excitement, fun, and exhaustion. Along the way, I’ve met incredible people and worked with talented musicians. I released my first EP in 2016, followed by a single in 2017, and I was lucky enough to have my songs played on BBC radio and to perform at some amazing venues and festivals across the UK. But with all the highs, I also burned out and needed a break. So, in 2020, I moved back to Australia to rest and recharge. The new single marks my first release in nearly seven years.
Cocomyrrh: Congratulations on your new release! What was the inspiration behind it?
Annie: Thank you! It’s both exciting and a bit nerve-wracking to release new music after such a long time. This song was inspired by a period of reflection on a relationship I was ready to let go of. I’d held onto hope that things would turn around but eventually realized that the love I wanted and needed wasn’t something I could get back.

Annie: The song reflects the emotions of frustration, disappointment, and despair that come when a relationship is falling apart. It’s about realizing that things won’t always change the way you want them to, but by making a change you can be in control of turning things around.
Cocomyrrh: Can you share the story or message you hope listeners take away from this track?
Annie: I hope the song resonates with people who have experienced disappointment in relationships, whether with a partner, family member, or friend. The message is that it’s okay to feel hurt or let down, and it’s okay to walk away from something that isn’t serving you and be hopeful about the future.
Annie: I’m always hopping between artists and genres but right now I’ve got Fleetwood Mac, First Aid Kit, and Lucy Rose on repeat. I love honest storytelling paired with memorable choruses, and I think my sound blends elements of folk, alt-country, and pop in a way that reflects those influences. They inspire me to write with authenticity and emotion.
Cocomyrrh: Are there any upcoming projects you’re excited about? Are there any themes you’d like to explore further?
Annie: Yes! I’ve just finished recording two new songs with Australian producer Simon Moro, and I can’t wait to share them next year. I’m also planning to record again in 2025 and release an EP, so there’s plenty more music to come. In terms of themes, I’d love to explore more personal experiences and emotional landscapes, but I’m excited to just see where the creative process takes me.
Cocomyrrh: Do you have any plans for collaborations with other artists in the near future? Any artists you’d love to work with?
Annie: There are no specific collaborations planned at the moment, but I do have a list of artists I’d love to work with. There are so many talented people out there, and I’d be open to collaborating whenever the right opportunity comes along.
Cocomyrrh: When you think about your musical legacy, what do you want it to say about you as an artist? How do you hope your music will inspire listeners in the years to come?
Annie: I’d like my legacy to be that my music brought people together. I want listeners to feel connected to my songs, to see a reflection of their own experiences in my words. My hope is that my music encourages people to express themselves honestly and to share their own stories, no matter how challenging or vulnerable that might be.
Cocomyrrh: What’s been the most rewarding part of your career so far, and is there any particular piece of work that stands out for you?